“If the writer of these lines has succeeded in providing some material for clarifying these problems, he may regard his labours as not having been fruitless.”

V.I. Lenin, 1899

Author: JT

  • Our Review of Paul Embery’s ‘Despised: Why the Modern Left Loathes the Working Class”: Part Two

    In this second part of our review of Paul Embery’s book Despised: Why the Modern Left Loathes the Working Class, we delve into Chapter Two of the book, entitled “We Need to Talk About Immigration”. My comrade Terry and I examine the seismic changes brought about by the run-down of the Ford works in Dagenham…

  • Is Farage Right?

    On 21st June, Nigel Farage, interviewed by BBC’s chief imperialist stooge Nick Robinson, reiterated his view, which he first aired in the European Parliament in 2014, that Russia’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine was the result of provocation on the part of the west. Farage’s position, and his doubling down in the days following the…

  • The Death of Our High Streets

    The Labour party, to add to its growing list of non-policies with which it believes it can tempt an unsuspecting electorate to vote for them, in April released a five-point plan to revitalise the ailing high street of Britain. Labour rather disingenuously blame the Tories for the decline in our high streets, which seems to…

  • In Praise of Yes Minister (and Yes, Prime Minister)

    There are some things which age very well over time. Like a fine wine, a dry-aged steak or a particularly stinky Stilton, both Yes Minister and Yes, Prime Minister have not only withstood the test of time in terms of their relevance and their contemporary humour but have, in my view, become essential viewing for…

  • Our Review of Paul Embery’s ‘Despised: Why the Modern Left Loathes the Working Class”: Part One

    I was joined by my friend and comrade Terry Eaton as we took a deep dive into Paul Embery’s book ‘Despised’. In this first part, we look at the introduction and Chapter 1 of the book. You can see the video in full here.

  • The Problem With Sharon Graham

    Two years ago, I was a contributor on a podcast for the Workers Party of Britain on the issue of the trade unions and the Labour party. With me on the panel was Joti Brar, the then deputy leader of the Workers Party, Paul Embery, noted trade unionist and author of the book Despised: Why…

  • My Old Man’s a Tory

    The British comedy series Steptoe and Son was first broadcast in 1962 and ran for twelve years. It was written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson, who first met in a sanatorium in Surrey, England when they were recovering from tuberculosis. Together, they became one of the most prolific, famous and successful comedy-writing duos that…

  • The Loneliness Phenomenon



    The conservative commentator Matt Walsh, in his podcast on 22nd May 2024, highlighted the very modern phenomenon of single and lonely people. TikTok and other social media outlets are replete with videos made by people, predominately women, who appear to be stumped as to why they are single when there are so many potential partners…

  • The General Election: A Smörgåsbord of Options

    On a dreary, rainy and generally miserable May late evening in London, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak addressed the nation to inform them that they would be forced to endure a General Election on 4th July. Not only would they be forced to endure a General Election, arguably worse still they will be forced to endure…

  • Warrington Council and Their Auditor Problem

    A report in the Financial Times of 11th May 2024 has revealed that a deeply indebted borough council refused to hand over key information to its auditor amid enquiries into almost £2bn of borrowing. Warrington borough council in Cheshire had been asked by its auditor, Grant Thornton, for information relating to debts incurred in its…